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Econs of SNU: Balaji Vunnava

“So, why did you choose Economics when you are from a core Engineering background?”

‘It was my 5th semester when I took Econometrics with Ashokankur sir. During a short interview he asked me and some other BTech majors about taking up a minor in Economics. Until then I decided that I will be pursuing my masters in Electrical Engineering itself. However, since my first semester, I wanted to, yet was sceptical about pursuing Economics as a minor. I re-evaluated and thought ECO101 was indeed easy to get into and Economics as a minor was indeed the most sought out among the SNU crowd. (especially the BTech majors). Also, my elder brother being a software developer told me that Economics helps a lot in data analysis. Slowly, I developed an interest in these courses and realised that maybe I can combine Economics with my major and design smart electronic or automotive systems with the help of data collection. And, this is what I told Ashokankur sir. He was glad to realise that I was not pursuing Economics for the sake of obtaining a minor and rather had genuine interest in the subject. Honestly, it was not easy, being the Vice President of SNU, organizing hundreds of events as a part of Cultural Committee and of course my major. But here I am bidding goodbye to all these memories, as I complete my graduation and am ready to pursue my masters. (only if the pandemic and the recession allow me to **fingers crossed**)."

PS: Don't take ECO367, you will have some major studying to do

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