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Blog: Welcome

The Invisible Hand - First Edition, 2021

We're happy to present to you the first edition of our annual newsletter, The Invisible Hand, and we hope that you enjoy reading and...

India’s Space Budget

by Gaurav Choudhary Formed in 1969, the Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) was formed under the leadership of Vikram Sarabhai...


by G Venkata Sai Lohit On 2nd February 2021, a newspaper headline surprised everyone – “Budget 2021: Health Expenditure increased by 137...

Econs of SNU: Balaji Vunnava

“So, why did you choose Economics when you are from a core Engineering background?” ‘It was my 5th semester when I took Econometrics with...

COVID and the Poultry Industry

by Arushi Jain As redundant as it might be to point out how things changed for the worse in post coronavirus world for almost all...

The Prohibition Era

by Jas Keith Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and...

Farewell Batch of 2020

As another year comes to an end, it is time to say goodbye to yet another batch of the economics department. Although the coronavirus...

Econs of SNU: Prerana Maheshwari

When I think of it, my life at SNU has been about getting successful at instantaneous plans and failing badly at all the long-term plans,...

Call an Economist

by Shreyashree Dey I asked a layman, “What do you think economists do?” After a little pause, she answered, “Well, they make predictions...

The Aftermath of Pandemics

by Jas Keith The word pandemic has its roots in the Greek word pandēmos, which means “all people”. It is the sudden increase in the...

Fact #2

If an unemployed person stops looking for work, the unemployment will decline. Conversely, if you successfully motivate people to start...

Fact #1

If a firm develops a new technology and starts selling the same product in the same quantity but cheaper, GDP will fall and GDP per...


by Divyam Rastogi The initial thoughts after hearing the word ‘Gambling' are always about luck and greed. If it's our day we are going to...

Blog: Blog2
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