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Farewell Batch of 2020

As another year comes to an end, it is time to say goodbye to yet another batch of the economics department. Although the coronavirus has brought all our lives to a halt but that doesn't mean our celebration of life should be any less.

Hence this year, The Economics Society had its own virtual farewell for the graduating class of 2020 on 5th July,2020. It was overwhelming to meet our peers all together after so long. Memories were shared, anecdotes exchanged and promises of staying in touch made. After all the fun and games we were joined by our head of department, Prof. Partha Chatterjee who shared a word of encouragement and support to the graduating batch.

It was a lively event attended not only by the graduating batch but also by juniors and together we wished them all the best for their future ahead. We hope for the happiness and success of all the graduating students, undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD scholars. They will be deeply missed and their absence will resonate always.

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