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Econs of SNU: Prerana Maheshwari

When I think of it, my life at SNU has been about getting successful at instantaneous plans and failing badly at all the long-term plans, thereby discovering that I attained a concave curve for efforts with time lag. Okay, shut that smile up. I am an Economist and very well intend to do a PhD.

The most dramatic time of my stay at SNU was of course, my tenure as the Associate secretary of the Economics Society. I got on that roller-coaster ride with 3 others, almost fell off it mid-way, but still holding on, to my surprise, and ended the trip on a happy note. What made it most dramatic is not some crazy achievements but the incredible learning and the chance to discover myself and a lot of people around me. My narrative of SNU is incomplete without the mention of the three girls who held me all the time whenever I was breaking or was up in the sky for whatever the reason might be.

To sum up, amid trying to put my career on track, thinking and planning society events, trying to set a routine, and wondering whether I am an introvert or just repel people; I completed my course of Masters in Economics. The morning walks to the lake, long hours at the dining hall, crazy games, ragging sessions at the Economics Lab and long insomniac walks around the canopies at night made me absolutely love my time at SNU. The quest now, however, is to accomplish all the dreams and cherish all the relationships which took shape on this land. SNU and these people will always stay close to my heart.

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